Protect Your Card

Whether you’re on the road or in the comfort of your home, it’s important to always protect your NDCU Member Card®.

Ways to Protect Your Member Card® Safety

  • Your Member Card® is the key to your account(s). Never lend your card to anyone, including friends and family.
  • Protect your Personal Identification Number (PIN). It is your electronic signature. You should memorize it. If your PIN is safe, your card is safe.
  • Never disclose your Personal Identification Number to anyone.
  • Never use your name, street number, telephone number or date of birth as your PIN.
  • Never let your Member Card® out of sight when conducting a transaction.
  • Always conduct transactions with your Member Card® when and where you feel most secure. If you are uncomfortable, do not use it.
  • Always shield your PIN with your hand or body when conducting any transaction.
  • After completing a transaction, remember to take your Member Card® and, if provided, your transaction record.
  • If your Member Card® is lost, stolen or retained by an ATM, notify NDCU immediately.
  • Be PIN smart: Never assign the same PIN to all pinned cards. If someone steals your wallet and discovers your PIN, rest assured they will test that PIN against all cards.